Back to School

What do you get when you add 13 fourth graders to one classroom, multiply by 2 weeks of break, and divide by six different disciplines? A surprisingly fun and easy day, apparently.

I am so blessed to have such a great group of kids, great group of peers, and amazing administration. Life is good.

How does this apply to a blog about making stuff out of candy tins? Well, let me tell you...

Apparently my lovely better half let some of the folks at school know what I've been up to, and they decided to donate some empty tins. First thing this morning, the school bookkeeper handed me a shoe box full of 'em! Joy! (Sad, I know...)

Then, my partner teacher entered the room, saying that she also wanted her class to get in on the action (the flashlights are a great way to teach about electricity - circuits specifically) and had a box of 60 tins to donate if I would make 28 kits for her kids to construct as a culminating project in May/June. Two for each kid, one to keep and one as a Father's Day present. Reehaw!

I've now got a real reason to find a cost effective, simple to construct way to put these lovelies together. I may need to do a bit of drilling on my own, but c'este la vie (yes, you may have scented a bit of "essence de sarcasmo" there).

Etsy update: Still no sales.

Jenny was kind enough to pass on an encouraging word, which I appreciated immensely, regarding being patient. And I will be, whether I want to be or not. She also has an excellent blog and Etsy Shop, so check them out if you have a chance.

This was a long back-to-school day, and I'm late for dinner, so throw another shrimp on the barbie (read with a poor Australian accent degrading into a southern drawl) and slap my mouth!
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